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4 a 6 de Novembro


Congresso Design Inteligente

Total de visitas: 2650

Para organizarmos e atualizarmos referencias cientificas ligadas a um determinado texto ou fato bíblico usaremos o seguinte sistema:

Textos e temas mais ligados a 

BIOLOGIA - Demonstrará como até mesmo parte das pesquisas darwinistas se harmonizam com as escrituras - Exemplo: e onde extrapolam , dando opções do modelo criacionista para estas deduções do passado 

ANTROPOLOGIA - Demonstrará as grandes diferenças entre o homem e o restante dos animais, demonstrando que somos feitos a imagem de Deus, por mais caídos e degenerados que estejamos hoje.

GENÉTICA DE POPULAÇÕES - Mostrará como é o comportamento populacional na hereditariedade e como isso se harmoniza com a Bíblia em diversos textos e relatos

GENÉTICA - Estudos em TDI (Teoria do Design Inteligente), complexidade irredutível e as infinitas demonstrações científicas de estruturas e mecanismos planejados na natureza, projetando o sentido de natureza á Criação.

ENTROPIA GENÉTICA - Demonstra como a humanidade e seres vivos se degeneram, acumulam doenças, perda de informação ou estrago de informação genética, o que nos remete a um passado sem tais perdas e estragos, com DNAs perfeitos, ou seja, ao paraíso perdido.

QUÍMICA - Estudos em química revelam planejamento e sintonia fina.

BIOQUIMICA - Estudos das bases da vida, sua complexidade e sintonia fina para poder funcionar orgânica e organizadamente a vida

GEOLOGIA SEDIMENTAR - Aspectos sedimentares, camadas geológicas, percepção de como se formaram as camadas da terra, em tempo curto, por segregação e estratificação espontânea (Berthaut)

DATAÇÃO - Métodos radiométricos de altas escalas , suas falhas e pressupostos duvidosos contrastados com 100 métodos de datação de tempo curto, claros, testáveis e bem definidos

A =  Adão e Eva e genética de populações  

B =  Dilúvio geológico

C = Textos e temas mais ligados a cronologia e datação 

D= Design inteligente e sintonia do universo


A =  Adão e Eva e genética de populações  

B =  Biologia Darwinista

C = Textos e temas mais ligados a cronologia e datação 

D= Design inteligente e sintonia do universo



Coffin, Harold G. 1971. Vertical flotation of Horsetails (Equisetum): geological implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin 82:2019-2022.

Coffin HG. 1987. Sonar and scuba survey of a submerged allochthonous "forest" in Spirit Lake, Washington. Palaois 2:179-180.

Coffin HG. 1983. Erect floating stumps in Spirit Lake, Washington. Geology 11:198-199.

Coffin HG. 1976. Orientation of trees in the Yellowstone Petrified Forests. Journal of Paleontology 50:539-543.


With respect to what this means for the theory of ID, go back and read Casey Luskin's post, "Intelligent Design Is Peer-Reviewed, but Is Peer-Review a Requirement of Good Science?" Casey concludes:

Despite the attempted lockout, ID proponents have published their ideas in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This shows that ID has academic legitimacy whether or not one applies the dubious "peer-review" test of good science.

That's right. Going forward, if you want to argue against ID, you are going to have to actually argue against it, critically analyze its arguments and its evidence, as opponents of ID so commonly refuse to do. There's no hiding behind claims of "peer review" anymore.


Em relação ao que isso significa para a teoria da identificação, volte e leia o post de Casey Luskin, "Design inteligente é Peer-Reviewed, mas é Peer-Review, uma exigência de boa ciência?" Casey conclui: apesar do tentativa de bloqueio, os proponentes ID publicaram suas idéias em revistas científicas. Isto mostra que a ID tem legitimidade acadêmica ou não aplica-se o teste de "peer-review" duvidosa de boa ciência.

Isso é direito. Daqui para frente, se você quer argumentar contra o ID, vais ter que realmente argumentar contra ele, analisar criticamente seus argumentos e suas provas, como opositores da ID tão comumente se recusam a fazer. Theres afirma que não é se esconder atrás de "peer review" mais.

Destaque Gerald Crabtree

Temos 8000 artigos -  e nestes muitas referencias a publicações. Muito material que precisa ser indicado, classificado como publicação em revistas seculares e de centros de pesquisa criacionistas. 

Dr. Stephen Mayer, Michael Behe, William Dembski, Robert Marks e centenas de outros grandes nomes da ciência

No Brasil,  destacamos o brilhante Dr. Marcos Nogueira Eberlin, que entre milhares de realizações de abrangencia mundial,  é o descobridor das reações de íons gasosos onde livros do mundo inteiro levam seu nome "reações de Eberlin". Lançou livro em defesa do DI, é criacionista bíblico.

4. Berthault, A sedimentação de uma mistura Heterogranular. Laminação Experimental em Still e água corrente, CR Acad. Sc., 1988, vol. 306, II Série, pp 717-724
5 Berthault, Sedimentologie:. Expériences sur la laminação des sédiments par granoclassement périodique postérieur au dépôt CR Acad.. Sc., 1986, vol. 303, par., 2, no. 17, pp 1569-1574.
6. Julien, Lan e Berthault, Experimentos em Estratificação de Heterogêneos areia Misturas, touro. Soe. Geol. France, 1993, vol. 164, n. 5, pp 649-660.
7. Berthault, Geológicas Princípios Dating Questionado, na revista Journal of Chinese Geodésia e Geodinâmica 22, No 3, 2002, pp 19-26
8. Berthault, Análise de princípios fundamentais da Statigraphy com base em dados experimentais, no Jornal russo Litologia e Recursos Minerais, tradução em Inglês de Litologiya i Polznye Iskopaemye 37, n ° 5, 2002, pp 509-515
9. Berthault, Interpretação sedimentológico do Grupo Estratigrafia Tonto (Grand Canyon do rio Colorado), litologia e Recursos Minerais 39, n ° 5, 2004, pp 504-508



Estabelecer a idade de cada segregação mutação em populações humanas contemporâneas é importante compreender plenamente a nossa história evolutiva, e ajudará a facilitar o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens para a descoberta de doenças gene. Estudos em larga escala de variação genética humana relataram assinaturas de recente crescimento populacional explosivo, notáveis por um excesso de variantes genéticas raras, sugerindo que muitas mutações surgiram recentemente. Para avaliar quantitativamente mais a distribuição das idades de mutação, nós resequenced 15.336 genes em 6.515 indivíduos de ascendência americano e Africano Europeu e inferir a idade de 1.146.401 autossômicas variantes de nucleotídeo único (SNVS). Nós estimamos que cerca de 73% de todos os SNVs codificadores de proteínas e cerca de 86% de SNVs previsto para ser deletério surgiu nos últimos anos 5.000-10.000. A idade média dos SNVs deletérios variou significativamente entre vias moleculares e genes de doenças continha uma proporção significativamente maior de SNVs deletérios recentemente surgiram de outros genes. Além disso, os americanos europeus tiveram um excesso de variantes deletérias em genes essenciais e mendeliana doença em comparação com os afro-americanos, de acordo com fraca seleção purificadora, devido à dispersão Out-of-Africa. Nossos resultados melhor delimitar os detalhes históricos de variação de codificação de proteína humana, mostram o efeito profundo da história humana recente sobre o ônus da SNVs deletérios segregando em populações contemporâneas e fornecer informações práticas importantes que podem ser usados para priorizar variantes na descoberta doença genética .

Explosivo crescimento recente da população humana resultou em um excesso de variantes genéticas raras.
Keinan A , Clark AG .
Informações sobre o autor
As populações humanas têm experimentado um crescimento explosivo recente, uma expansão de pelo menos três ordens de magnitude ao longo dos últimos 400 gerações. Esta partida de equilíbrio distorce padrões de variação genética e distorce princípios básicos da genética populacional. Caracterizamos as assinaturas empíricas do crescimento explosivo no espectro de freqüência local e constatou que a discrepância em abundância variante rara entre os estudos de modelagem demográfica é principalmente devido a diferenças no tamanho da amostra. Recente crescimento rápido aumenta a carga de variantes raras e é susceptível de desempenhar um papel na carga genética individual do risco de doença complexa. Assim, o crescimento da população humana extrema recente tem de ser tomado em consideração no estudo da genética de doenças complexas e traços.

Ciência 20 de novembro de 1998:
vol. 282 n. 5393 p. 1455
DOI: 10.1126/science.282.5393.1455
Sem Última Palavra em Origens Idioma
Constance Holden
Os fósseis mostram que a capacidade do cérebro para a linguagem crua complexo, juntamente com a boca necessário e anatomia da garganta, provavelmente estavam no lugar antes de 150.000 anos atrás. Mas a maioria dos comportamentos que se pensa depender idioma - toolmaking, enterros, ea criação de locais de vida e arte e adorno pessoal - não apareceu até 40.000 anos atrás. Dentro deste intervalo de tempo cair dicas raros de comportamento moderno - enterros e vislumbres de comércio, arte e ferramentas sofisticadas - que permitiram que alguns arqueólogos para argumentar que os seres humanos estavam falando, e pensando os pensamentos complexos que vão com discurso, muito antes de deixou um registro abundante de tais atividades. Outros, porém, argumentam que não há nenhuma evidência inequívoca para o comportamento humano moderno antes de cerca de 50.000 anos atrás.

RENSGA - Alguns arqueólogos acreditam que não há evidências convincentes de que pessoas conseguiram fazer tudo isso por 60 mil anos atrás, com base em namorar em dois locais de ferramentas de pedra no norte da Austrália. Mas neste, como em tantas outras dicas de comportamento moderno, o consenso é indescritível. A datação foi feita por termoluminescência, uma técnica que nem sempre se mostrou confiável. Gamble diz que a técnica mais confiável de datação por radiocarbono, embora capaz de voltar pelo menos 40.000 anos, nunca identificado um sítio arqueológico na Austrália mais velho do que 35.000.

Mesmo que as incertezas sobre artefatos e datas podem ser resolvidos, a questão de saber se linguagem totalmente moderna surgiu em uma etapa biológica ou cultural súbita há 40.000 anos ou gradualmente, ao longo dos últimos milhares de anos, não vai ser resolvido. "O problema fundamental aqui é que não há uma única espécie no planeta que tem a linguagem", diz o antropólogo da Universidade de Duke Matt Cartmill. "Temos um ponto de dados. Com tantas coisas únicas para os seres humanos, não sabemos o que a linguagem é necessário ou o que é necessário para a linguagem ".

E ainda haverá muito espaço para argumentar que a escassez de evidências de comportamento simbólico antes de 40 mil anos atrás não se provar que não estava acontecendo. Leslie Aiello, da University College London, por exemplo, diz que a prova poderia ter todos pereceram, afinal, ela observa, que seria muito difícil de pegar sinais de habilidades simbólicas a partir do registro arqueológico dos índios históricos da Califórnia, que tinham um complexo cultura, mas muito poucos artefatos produzidos em materiais duráveis como pedra.

Shea concorda, lembrando que um arqueólogo "é como o bêbado na velha piada que parece onde a luz é boa" para as chaves perdidas. Descobertas futuras podem alterar a história dos hominídeos: Embora existam mais de 100 locais escavados em sozinho sudoeste da França, Brooks observa, todos da África Oriental, o berço provável dos humanos modernos, tem apenas uma dúzia, e na Ásia, o registro é mais um grande ponto de interrogação. Assim paleoantropologia é um jogo para os filósofos, bem como cientistas, e não há muito espaço para o livre jogo da imaginação romântica.

Estaremos aqui organizando para facilitar sua pesquisa alguns, contribua enviando sugestões!


1. Siegfried Scherer "Basic Functional States in the Evolution of Light-driven Cyclic Electron Transport", Journal of Theoretical Biology ,104 [1983]: 289-299

2. Grant Lambert "Enzymic Editing Mechanisms and the Origin of Biological Information Transfer" Journal of Theoretical Biology, 107 [1984]:387- 403)

3. Wise, K. 2003. THE EVOLUTION OF CREATIONIST PERSPECTIVE ON THE FOSSIL EQUID SERIES. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 35, No. 6, p. 610 #

4. Stephen C. Meyer, "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories," Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Vol. 117(2):213-239 (2004)*

5. Michael Behe and David W. Snoke, “Simulating evolution by gene duplication of protein features that require multiple amino acid residues,” Protein Science (2004), 13 *

6. Philip L. Skell, "Why do we invoke Darwin?," The Scientist, Vol. 19(16):10 (August 29, 2005)*



# Alexanian, M. 2002. Seven More Views on Intelligent Design. Physics Today (Letter). 55:10-11.

Frank J. Tipler, "A Brief History of the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Concept," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 22 (June 1981), pp. 133-145.*

# Chaffin, E. 2003. The Oklo Constraints on Alpha-Decay Half-Lives. American Physical Society, The 70th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section, November 6-8, Wilmington, North Carolina

# J.G. Hartnett, “Carmeli’s accelerating universe is spatially flat without dark matter”, Int. J. Theor. Phys., Vol. 44, no. 4, April, pp. 485-492, 2005.

# J.G. Hartnett, “The distance modulus determined from Carmeli's cosmology fits the accelerating universe data of the high-redshift type Ia supernovae without dark matter.” Found. Phys. vol 36. no. 6, pp. 839-861, June 2006. arxiv: astro-ph/0501526

# J.G. Hartnett, “Spiral galaxy rotation curves determined from Carmelian general relativity”, Int. J. Theor. Phys., vol. 45, no. 11, pp.2118-2136, November 2006. arxiv: astro-ph/0511756

# J.G. Hartnett, “The redshift-distance relation extended to higher redshifts in Cosmological General Relativity,” in the Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on the Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, Udine, Italy, AIP Conf. Proc. 1018, pp. 57-66, 2008.


# Austin SA, Wise KP. 1999. Gigantic megaclasts within the Kingston Peak Formation (Upper Precambrian, Pahrump Group), Southeastern California: evidence for basin margin collapse. Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs 31(7):A455.

JR Baumgardner, AA Snelling, DR Humphreys, and SA Austin. "The enigma of the ubiquity of 14 C in organic samples older than 100 ka". Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract xxxxx-xx, 2003.

# Austin, S.A., A.A. Snelling and K.P. Wise, Canyon-length mass kill of orothocone nautiloids, Redwall Limestone (Mississippian) Grand Canyon, Arizona, Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, p. A-421, 1999.

# Berthault, G., 1986. Sedimentology-experiments on lamination of sediments. C.R. Academie or Science (Paris), 303 (Series II, no. 17):1569-1574 (EN Tech. J., 3, 1988, pp. 25-29).

# Berthault, G., 1988. Sedimentation of a heterogranular mixture-experimental lamination in still and running water. C.R. Academie of Science (Paris), 306 (Series II):717-724 (EN Tech. J., 4, 1990, pp.95- 102).

# Berthault, G., 1986. Experiments on lamination of sediments, resulting from a periodic graded-bedding subsequent to deposition—a contribution to the explanation of lamination of various sediments and sedimentary rocks. Compte Rendus Académie des Sciences, Paris, 303 (Série II, no. 17):1569–1574.

# Brand, L.R. 1977. Coconino Sandstone (Permian) fossil vertebrate footprints — paleoecologic implications (abs.), American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Program and Abstracts, pp. 66-67, annual meeting, Washington, D.C.

# Brand, Leonard R. and Thu Tang, 1991. Fossil vertebrate footprints in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of northern Arizona: Evidence for underwater origin. Geology 19(12): 1201-1204.

1989: The Estimation of True Taxonomic Durations from Fossil
Occurrence Data, Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, 550 pp. Wise, Kurt P.

Wise teaches at Bryan College in Dayton, TN. Some articles by Wise that I'm
aware of (non-creationist publications):

1981: co-authored with Thomas J. M. Schopf: Was marine faunal
diversity in the Pleistocene affected by changes in sea
level?, Paleobiology, 7(3):394-399.

1991: The use of fossil occurrence data to distinguish between
instantaneous and stepwise extinction
[abstract], Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. w/ Progr., 1991:A184.

1991: "The fossil record: The ultimate test-case for
young-earth creationism", Opus: A Journal for
Interdisciplinary Studies, 1991-92:17-29.

1995: with Steven A. Austin, "Nautiloid mass-kill event at a
hydrothermal mound within the Rewall Limestone
(Mississippian), Grand Canyon, Arizona" [abstract], Geol.
Soc. Am. Abstr. w/Progr., 27(6):A369.








Robert V. Gentry




William A. Dembski



As editor or contributor


John C Sanford


Marks R.J., Behe M.J., Dembski W.A., Gordon B.L., and Sanford J.C. (2013). Biological Information – New Perspectives. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (pp 1-559). 

Montañez, G.; Marks R.; Fernandez, J. & Sanford, J. (2013). Multiple overlapping genetic codes profoundly reduce the probability of beneficial mutation, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (pp 139-167).

Sanford, J. (2013). Session II Chair - Biological Information and Genetic Theory: Introductory Comments, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (pp 203-209).

Gibson, P.; Baumgardner, J.; Brewer, W. & Sanford, J. (2013). Can Biological Information Be Sustained By Purifying Natural Selection? In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (pp232-263).

Sanford, J.; Baumgardner, J. & Brewer, W. (2013). Selection Threshold Severely Constrains Capture of Beneficial Mutations, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (pp 264-297).

Brewer, W.; Baumgardner, J. & Sanford, J. (2013). Using Numerical Simulation to Test the “Mutation-Count” Hypothesis, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (pp 298-311).
Baumgardner J.; Brewer, W.; Sanford, J. (2013). Can Synergistic Epistasis Halt Mutation Accumulation? Results from Numerical Simulation, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (312-337).
Nelson, C.; & Sanford, J. (2013). Computational evolution experiments reveal a net loss of genetic information despite selection, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (338-368). 
Brewer, W.; Smith, F. & Sanford, J. (2013). Information loss: potential for accelerating natural genetic attenuation of RNA viruses, In: Biological Information – New Perspectives (369-384).  

Carter R.C. & Sanford, J.C. (2012).  A new look at an old virus: patterns of mutation accumulation in the human H1N1 influenza virus since 1918. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 9:42doi:10.1186/1742-4682-9-42.

Sanford, J. & Nelson, C. (2012). The Next Step in Understanding Population Dynamics: Comprehensive Numerical Simulation, Studies in Population Genetics, in: M. Carmen              Fusté (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0588-6, InTech, Available from:

Nelson, C.W. & Sanford, J.C. (2011). The Effects of Low-Impact Mutations in Digital Organisms. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling, Vol. 8, (April 2011), p. 9. 

Seaman, J. and J.C. Sanford. 2009. Skittle: a two dimensional genome visualization tool. BMC Bioinformatics 10:452.(

Sanford, J.C., Baumgardner, J., Gibson, P., Brewer, W., ReMine, W. (2007). Mendel‚s Accountant: a biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program. SCPE 8(2): 147-165.

Sanford, J.C., Baumgardner, J., Gibson, P., Brewer, W., ReMine, W. (2007). Using computer simulation to understand mutation accumulation dynamics and genetic load. In Shi et al. (Eds.), ICCS 2007, Part II, LNCS 4488 (pp.386-392), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Sanford,J.C. 2006. Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome. Elim Publications. Elim, NY. 208 pages.

DeGray, G., Rajasekarana, K., Smith F. Sanford, J. Daniel H., 2001. Expression of an antimicrobial peptide via the chloroplast genome to control phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi. Plant Physiology 127 (3): 852-862.

Production of transgenic poinsettia (2006). US Pat. 7119262 - Filed Jul 31, 1997 - Sanford Scientific, Inc. ... Geneva, NY (US); Tau-San Chou, Batavia, IL (US); Robert Eisenreich, North Aurora, IL (US); John Sanford, Geneva, NY (US); Alan Blowers, St. Charles, ...

Expression of magainin and PGL classes of antimicrobial peptide genes in plants, and their use. (2001). US Pat. 6235973 - Filed Jul 31, 1998 - Sanford Scientific, Inc.... Geneva, NY (US); Alan D. Blowers, St. Charles, IL (US); Joyce Van Eck, Ithaca; John Sanford, Geneva, both of NY (US) (73) Assignee: Sanford Scientific, ...

Publications relating to genetics and biotechnology:

Sanford, J.C. 1982. Pollen studies using a laser microbeam. In D.L. Mulcahy and E. Ottaviano (eds.) Pollen: Biology and Implications for Breeding, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pollen Biology. Springer-Verlag, NY. p. 107-115.

Sanford, J.C.,Y.S. Chyi, and B.I. Reisch. 1984. An attempt to induce "egg transformation" in Lycopersicon esculentum using irradiated pollen. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 67:553-558.

Sanford, J.C., Chyi, Y.S., and B.I,. Reisch. 1984. Attempted "egg transformation" in Zea mays L., using irradiated pollen. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 68:269-275.

Chyi, Y.S., J.C. Sanford, and B.I. Reisch. 1984. Further attempts to induce "egg transformation" using irradiated pollen. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 68:277-283.

Sanford, J.C., N.F. Weeden, and Y.S. Chyi. 1984. Regarding the novelty and breeding value of protoplast-derived variants of Russet Burbank (Solanum tuberosum L.) Euphytica 33:709-715.

Sanford, J.C., K. Skubik, and B.I. Reisch. 1984. Attempted transformation in tomato and corn, using incubation of pollen with genomic DNA. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 69:571-574.

Sanford, J.C., and S.A. Johnston. 1985. The concept of parasite derived resistance. Journal of Theoretical Biology 113: 395-405.

Chyi, Y.S. and J.C. Sanford. 1985. "Egg transformation" induced by irradiated pollen in Nicotiana -a re-examination. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 70:433-439.

Sanford, J.C. and K.A. Skubik. 1985. Attempted pollen mediated transformation with Ti-plasmids. In: D.L. Mulcahy (ed.) Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen. Proceedings of International Symposium. Springer-Verlag, NY. p. 71-76.

Simon, C.J., and J.C. Sanford. 1985. Prospects for pollen cell selection for resistance to various chemical agents. In: D.L. Mulcahy (ed.). Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen. Proceedings of International Symposium. Springer-Verlag, NY. p. 107-112.

Grummet, R., J. C. Sanford, and S. A. Johnston. 1986. A demonstration of pathogen-derived resistance using E. coli and the bacteriophage, QB.  C. Arntzen and C. Ryan (eds.). Molecular Strategies for Crop Protection. UCLA Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Biology, V. 48. A. R. Liss. NY . pp 3-12.

Sanford, J. C., T. M. Klein, E. D. Wolf, and N. Allen. 1987. Delivery of substances into cells and tissues using a particle bombardment process. Journal of Particulate Science and Technology 5:27-37.

Klein, T. M., E. D. Wolf, R. Wu, and J. C. Sanford. 1987. High-velocity microprojectiles for delivering nucleic acids into living cells. Nature 327:70-73.

Grummet, R., J. C. Sanford, and S. A. Johnston. 1987. Pathogen-derived resistance to viral infection using a negative regulatory molecule. Virology 161:561-569.

Sanford, J. C. 1988. Applying the PDR principle to AIDS. Journal of Theoretical Biology 130:469-480.

Sanford J. C. 1988. Regarding early claims of pollen-mediated transformation. in Ed. F.A. Valentine. Forest and Crop Biotechnology -Progress and Prospects. Spinger-Verlag, NY. pp163=

Pang, S. Z., and J. C. Sanford. 1988. Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer in papaya. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113:287-291.

Klein, T. M., M. E. Fromm, A. Weissinger, D. Tomes, S. Schaaf, M. Sleeten, and J. C. Sanford. 1988. Transfer of foreign genes into intact maize cells with high velocity microprojectiles. PNAS 85:4305-4309.

Klein, T. M., M. E. Fromm, T. Gradziel, and J. C. Sanford. 1988. Factors influencing gene delivery into Zea mays cells by high-velocity microprojectiles. Bio/Technology 6:559-563.

Johnston, S. A., P.Q. Anziano, K. Shark, J. C. Sanford, and R.A. Butow. 1988. Mitochondrial transformation in yeast by bombardment with microprojectiles. Science 240:1538-1541.

Boynton, J. E., N. W. Gillham, E. H. Harris, J. P. Hosler, A. M. Johnson, A. R. Jones, B. L. Randolph-Anderson, D. Robertson, T. M. Klein, K. Shark, J. C. Sanford. 1988. Chloroplast transformation of Chlamydomonas with high velocity microprojectiles. Science 240:1534-1538.

Fox, T. D., J. C. Sanford, and T. W. McMullin. 1988. Plasmids can stably transform yeast mitochondria totally lacking endogenous mtDNA. PNAS 85:7288-7292.

Klein, T.M., E.C. Harper, Z. Svab, J.C. Sanford, M.E. Fromm, P. Maliga. 1988. Stable genetic transformation of intact Nicotiana cells by the particle bombardment process. PNAS 85:85028505.

Wang, Y. C., T. M. Klein, M. Fromm, J. Cao, J. C. Sanford, and R. Wu. 1988. Transient expression of foreign genes in rice, wheat, and soybean cells following particle bombardment. Plant Molecular Biology 11: 433-439 .

Sanford, J. 1988. The biolistic process. Trends in Biotechnology 6:229-302.

Liu, Z. R., and J. C. Sanford. 1988. Plant regeneration by organogenesis from strawberry leaf and runner tissue. HortScience 23:1057-1059.

Blowers, A.D., L. Bogorad, K.B. Shark, G.N. Ye, and J.C. Sanford. 1989. Studies on Chlamydomonas chloroplast transformation: foreign DNA can be stably maintained in the chromosome. The Plant Cell 1:123-132.

Klein, T.M., L. Kornstein, J.C. Sanford, and M.E. Fromm. 1989. Genetic transformation of maize cells by particle bombardment. Plant Physiology 91: 440-444.

Daniell, H., J. Vivekananda, B.L. Nielsen, G.N. Ye, K.K. Tewari, and J.C. Sanford, 1990. Transient foreign gene expression in chloroplasts of cultured tobacco cells after biolistic delivery of chloroplast vectors. PNAS 87: 88-92.

Cummings, D.J., J.M. Dominico, and J.C. Sanford. 1990. Mitochondrial DNA from Podospora anserina: transformation to senescence via projectile injection of plasmids. In: Molecular Biology of Aging. ©Alan R. Liss, NY pp91-101.

Armeleo, D., G.N. Ye, S.A. Johnston, T.M. Klein, K.B. Shark, and J.C. Sanford. 1990. Biolistic nuclear transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other fungi. Current Genetics 17:97-103.

Cao, J., Y-C. Wang, T.M. Klein, J. C. Sanford, and R. Wu. 1990. Transformation of rice and maize using the biolistic process. In: Plant Gene Transfer-1989 UCLA Symposium. ©Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp21-33.

Sanford, J. 1990. Biolistic plant transformation. Physiologia Plantarum 79:206-209.

Fitch, M.M., R. M. Manshardt, D. Gonsalves, J. L. Slightom, H. Quemada, and J. C. Sanford. 1990. Stable transformation of papaya via microprojectile bombardment. Plant Cell Reports 9:189-194.

Ye, G.N., H. Daniell, and J.C. Sanford. 1990. Optimization of delivery of foreign DNA into higher-plant chloroplasts. Plant Molecular Biology 15: 809-819.

Sanford, J.C., 1990. The biolistic process -an emerging tool for research and clinical applications. Proceedings of the Biomedical Society. Virginia Polytech. Inst. Blacksburg, VA. D.C. Milulecky and A.M. Clarke (eds). New York University Press, NY. pp 89-98.

Russell, J.A., M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford. 1990. Cell injury as a limiting factor in stable biolistic plant transformation. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology 26:43A.

Shark, K.B., F.D. Smith, P.R. Harpending, J.L. Rasmussen, and J.C. Sanford. 1991. Biolistic transformation of a procaryote: Bacillus megaterium. Applied Environmental Microbiology 57:480-485.

Williams, R.S., S.A. Johnston, M. Reidy, M.J. DeVit, S.G. McElligott, and J.C. Sanford. 1991. Introduction of foreign genes into tissues of living mice by DNA-coated microprojectiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Vol. 88:2726-2730.

Sanford, J.C., M.J. DeVit, J.A. Russell, F.D. Smith, P.R. Harpending, M.K. Roy, and S.A. Johnston. 1991. An improved, helium driven biolistic device. Technique 3:3-16.

Johnston, S.A., M. Riedy, M.J. DeVit, J.C. Sanford, S. McElligott, and R. S. Williams. 1991. Biolistic transformation of animal tissue. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology 27P:11-14.

Russell, J.A., M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Physical trauma and tungsten toxicity reduce the efficiency of biolistic transformation. Plant Physiology 98:1050-1056.

Smith, F.D., P.R. Harpending, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Biolistic transformation of prokaryotes factors that effect transformation of very small cells. Journal of General Microbiology 138:239-248.

Pang, Sheng-Zhi, S. Oberhaus, J. Rasmussen, D. Knipple, J. Bloomquist, D. Dean, and J. Sanford. 1992. Expression of a scorpion insectotoxin peptide in yeast, bacteria and plants. Gene 116: 165-172.

Pang, Sheng-Zhi, J. Rasmussen, G.N. Ye, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Use of the signal peptide of Pisum vicilin to translocate b-glucuronidase in Nicotiana tabacum. Gene 112(2):229-234.

Russell, J.A., M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Physical trauma and tungsten toxicity reduce the efficiency of biolistic transformation. Plant Physiology 98:1050-1056.

Russell, J.A., M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Major improvements in biolistic transformation of suspension cultured tobacco cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 28P:97-1105.

Hamilton, D.A., M. Roy, J. Rueda, R.K. Sindhu, J. Sanford, and J.P. Mascarenhas. 1992. Dissection of a pollen-specific promoter from maize by transient transformation assays. Plant Molecular Biology 18:211-218.

Fitch, M.M., R.M. Manshardt, D. Gonsalves, J.L. Slightom, and J.C. Sanford. 1992. Virus resistant papaya plants derived from tissues bombarded with the coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus. Bio/Technology 10:1466-1472.

Sanford, J.C., F.D. Smith, and J.A. Russell. 1993. Optimizing the biolistic process for different biological applications. Methods in Enzymology 217:483-509.

Liu Z.R., Sanford J.C., 1993. Investigation of the mechanism underlying the inhibitory effect of heterologous ras genes in plant cells. Plant Mol Biol. 22(5):751-65.

Rasmussen J.L., J.R. Kikkert, M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford, 1994. Biolistic transformation of tobacco and maize suspension cells using bacterial cells as microprojectiles. Plant Cell Reports 13:212-217.

Ye, Xiaojian, S.K. Brown, R. Scorza, J. Cordts, J. Sanford. 1994. Genetic transformation of peach tissues by particle bombardment. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Science 119(2): 367-373.

Liu, Z.R., J. Ma and J.C. Sanford. 1995. The location of untranscribed DNA sequences within ras genes essential for eliciting plant growth suppression. Plant Mol. Biol. (28 (1): 195-201).

Kamo, K.; Blowers, A.; Smith, F.; Van Eck, J.; Lawson, R. and Sanford, J. 1995. Stable transformation of Gladiolus using cormels. Plant Science 110:105-111.

Kamo, K.; Blowers, A.; Smith, F.; Van Eck, J.; Lawson, R. and Sanford, J. 1995. Stable transformation of Gladiolus using suspension cells and callus. J. Am., Soc., Hort. Sci. 120:347-352.

Smith, F.D., D.M. Gadoury, P.R. Harpending, and J.C. Sanford. 1995. Biolistic transformation of the obligate parasite Uncinula necator. Phytopathology (-).

Ye, G.N., S.Z. Pang, and J.C. Sanford. 1995. Biolistic delivery of a psbA promoter driven NPTII construct into tobacco. Plant Cell Reporter (-).

Aragao, F.J.L., Barros, L.M.G., Brasileiro, A.C.M. Ribeiro, S.G., Smith F.D. Sanford, J.C., Faria, J.C., Rech, E.L., 1996. Inheritance of foreign genes in transgenic bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) co-transformed via particle bombardment. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 93(1-2): 142-150.

Kikkert, J.R., G.A. Humiston, M.K. Roy, and J.C. Sanford. 1999. Biological projectiles (phage, yeast, bacteria) for genetic transformation of plants. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant 35:43-50.

DeGray, G., Rajasekarana, K., Smith F. Sanford, J. Daniel H., 2001. Expression of an antimicrobial peptide via the chloroplast genome to control phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi. Plant Physiology 127 (3): 852-862.

Publications Relating to Plant Breeding and Horticulture:

Sanford, J.C. and R.E. Hanneman, Jr. 1979. Reciprocal Differences in the photoperiod reaction of hybrid populations in Solanum tuberosum. Am. Potato J. 56:531-540.

Sanford, J. C. and R.E. Hanneman Jr. 1981. The use of bees for the purpose of inter-mating in potato. Am.Potato J. 58:481-485.

Sanford, J.C. and R.E. Hanneman. 1982. A possible heterotic threshold in potato and its implications for breeding. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 61: 151-159.

Sanford, J.C. and R.E. Hanneman. 1982. Large yield differences between reciprocal families of Solanum tuberosum. Euphytica 31:1-12.

Sanford,J.C. and R.E. Hanneman. 1982. Intermating of potato and spontaneouus sexual polyploidization -effects on heterozygosity. Am. Potato J. 59:407-414.

Sanford, J.C. 1983. Ploidy manipulations in fruit breeding. In: J. Janick and J. N. Moore (eds.) Methods in Fruit Breeding. Purdue Univ. Press, West Lafayette, IN pp. 100-123.

Way, R.D., J.C. Sanford, and A.N. Lakso. 1983. Breeding for higher fruit yields. IN: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds) Methods in Fruit Breeding. Purdue Univ. Press, West Lafayette, IN pp. 353-368.

Sanford, J.C. 1984. Strawberry cultivars for New York. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin No. 107.

J. P. Tompkins, D.K. Ourecky, J.C. Sanford. 1984. Growing strawberries in New York State. New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Information Bulletin No. 15.

Sanford, J.C. and J.E.Reich, 1985. Breeding progress in strawberry cultivars adapted to Northeastern United States. Advances in Strawberry Production,4:39-44.

Sanford, J.C. and D.K. Ourecky. 1982. 'Royalty' -a purple-red raspberry. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin. No. 97.

Sanford, J.C., D.K. Ourecky, J.E. Reich, H.S. Aldwinckle. 1982. 'Honeoye' and' Canoga' strawberries. HortScience 17:982-984.

Sanford, J.C. and D.K. Ourecky. 1983. 'Royalty' purple raspberry. HortScience 18:109-110.

Sanford, J.C., D.K. Ourecky, and J.E. Reich, 1985. 'Titan' red raspberry. HortScience 20:1133-1134.

Sanford,J.C. and J.E. Reich. 1985. 'Jewel' strawberry. HortSciences 20:1136-1137.

Sanford, J.C., D.K. Ourecky, and J.E. Reich. 1985. 'Titan' red raspberry. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin No. 111.

Sanford, J.C., D.K. Ourecky, and J.E. Reich. 1985. 'Jewel' strawberry. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin No.114.

Sanford, J.C. and J.E. Reich. 1985. Strawberry cultivars adapted to the Northeastern States. Proceedings of the Western New York State Horticulture Show 130:140-156.

Sanford, J.C., K.Maloney, and J.E. Reich. 1988. 'Watson' red raspberry. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin.

Simon, C.J. and J. C. Sanford. 1990. Separation of 2n potato pollen from a heterogenous pollen mixture by velocity sedimentation. HortScience 25:342-344.

Maloney, K., Ourecky, D., Reich, J., J. Sanford. 1991. 'Seneca ' Strawberry. New York Food and Life Science Bulletin No. 136.

Maloney, K., W.F. Wilcox, J.C. Sanford. 1993. Effects of raised beds and Metalaxyl for control of Phytophthora root rot of raspberry. HortScience 28:1106-1108.

Weber, C.A., K.E. Maloney and J.C. Sanford. 2005. Performance of eleven floricane fruiting red raspberry cultivars in New York. Small Fruits Rev. 4(2):49-56.

Weber, C.A., K.E. Maloney and J.C. Sanford. 2005. Performance of eight primocane fruiting red raspberry cultivars in New York. Small Fruits Rev. 4(2):41-47.

Weber, C.A., K.E. Maloney and J.C. Sanford. 2004. 'Encore' floricane raspberry. HortScience 39(3):635-636.

Weber, C.A., K.E. Maloney and J.C. Sanford. 2004. 'Prelude' everbearing raspberry. HortScience 39(3):633-634.

Invited Papers:

Sanford, J.C., Y.S. Chyi, and B.I,. Reisch. 1984. Attempts to elucidate the phenomenon of "egg transformation" as mediated by irradiated pollen. Symposium on Plant Biotechnology -Gene transfer through non-traditional means. ASA national meetings. Nov. 25-30, Las Vegas. 1984. Agronomy Abstracts published by ASA, p. 87.

Sanford,J.C. 1985. Regarding early claims of pollen-mediated transformation. Forest and Crop Biotechnology -Progress and Prospects. April 18-20, 1985. Syracuse, NY.

Sanford, J.C., T.Klein, and E.D. Wolf. 1986. Altering living cells with particles. Symposium on the manufacture and use of particles. 17th Annual Meeting of The Fine Particles Society -July 31, l986. San Francisco.

Sanford, J. C. 1988. Biolistic Plant Transformation. First EMBO workshop: Gene Transfer to Plants. September 7-10. Switzerland.

Sanford J.C. 1989. The biolistic process: shooting DNA into cells and tissues. Joint meetings of the Canadian Society of Plant Molecular Biologists and the Genetics Society of Canada, June. Saskatoon, SK.

Sanford J.C. 1989. The biolistic process. Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. July, Toronto, Ont.

Sanford J.C. 1989. Biolistic transformation of plants. Advanced course in plant tissue culture and plant transformation. University of Guelph, August, Guelph, Ont.

Sanford J.C. 1990. Utility of the biolistic process. Biomedical Engineering Society Meetings, Virginia Polytech Inst. Blacksburg, VA.

Sanford J.C. 1991. Optimization of the Biolistic Process. International Workshop on the Biolistic Process, sponsored by Agracetus. U of W, Madison, WI.

Sanford J.C. 1992. The Biolistic Process -A simple tool for transforming diverse crop species. Miami Bio/Technology Winter Symposium -Feeding the World in the 21st Century, Jan. 1992.

Sanford J.C. 1993. International Training Course -analysis and manipulation of the plant genome. Irapuato, Mexico. The biolistic Process, where it came from and where its going: and, New directions in biolistic technology, use of biological projectiles for delivery of very HMW DNA.

Sanford J.C. 1993. Governor's Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology. Albany, NY. Genetic Engineering of Plants used in Environmental Horticulture. Nov. 9-10.

Sanford J.C. 1994. Seeley Conference. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Gene guns and other weapons in tomorrow's arsenal. June 28-28.

Allowed Patents (based on Google Patent Search):

Method for transporting substances into living cells and tissues and apparatus therefor US Pat. 4945050 - Filed Nov 13, 1984 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. John C. Sanford ...

Method for transporting substances into living cells and tissues and apparatus therefor US Pat. 5036006 - Filed Aug 17, 1989 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.


Parasite-derived resistance US Pat. 5580716 - Filed Nov 17, 1994 - Stephen A. Johnston... N. Gregson, Durham, NC 27701; John C. Sanford, Geneva, NY [73] Assignees: Stephen A. Johnston, Dallas, Tex.; Cornell Research Foundation, Inc., Ithaca, ...

E. coli resistance to Q.beta. virus infection US Pat. 5240841 - Filed Mar 25, 1992 - Duke University [54] E. COLI RESISTANCE TO Q/3 VIRUS INFECTION [75] Inventors: Stephen A. Johnston, Durham, NC; John C. Sanford, Geneva, NY [73] Assignees: Duke University, ...

Method and apparatus for introducing biological substances into living cells US Pat. 5204253 - Filed May 29, 1990 - E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company
[54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTRODUCING BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES INTO LIVING CELLS [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford; Michael J. devit, both of Geneva, NY; ...

Stable transformation of plant cells US Pat. 5990387 - Filed Oct 6, 1994 - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ... [75] Inventors: Dwight T. Tomes, Gumming; Arthur Weissinger, Des Moines, both of Iowa; John C. Sanford, Geneva, NY; Theodore M. Klein, Wilmington, Del. ...

Method for transporting substances into living cells and tissues US Pat. 5100792 - Filed Jan 24, 1989 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
[54] METHOD FOR TRANSPORTING SUBSTANCES INTO LIVING CELLS AND TISSUES [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; Edward D. Wolf, Ithaca; Nelson K. Allen, ...

Apparatus for transporting substances into living cells and tissues US Pat. 5371015 - Filed Jan 9, 1991 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. [54] APPARATUS FOR TRANSPORTING SUBSTANCES INTO LIVING CELLS AND TISSUES [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; Edward D. Wolf, Ithaca; Nelson K. Allen, ...

Biolistic apparatus for delivering substances into cells and tissues in a non-lethal manner
US Pat. 5179022 - Filed Feb 11, 1992 - E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. [54] BIOLISTIC APPARATUS FOR DELIVERING SUBSTANCES INTO CELLS AND TISSUES IN A NON-LETHAL MANNER [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; Edward D. Wolf, ...

Method for transporting substances into living cells and tissues and apparatus therefor
US Pat. 5478744 - Filed Aug 12, 1994 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. ... METHOD FOR TRANSPORTING SUBSTANCES INTO LIVING CELLS AND TISSUES AND APPARATUS THEREFOR [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; Edward D. Wolf, Ithaca; ...

Stable transformation of plant cells US Pat. 5886244 - Filed May 15, 1998 - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. John C. Sanford ...

Stable transformation of plant cells US Pat. 6258999 - Filed May 16, 1995 - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (54) STABLE TRANSFORMATION OF PLANT CELLS (75) Inventors: Dwight T. Tomes, Gumming, IA (US); Arthur Weissinger, Raleigh, NC (US); John C. Sanford, Geneva, ...

Method of conferring resistance to retroviral infection
US Pat. 5324643 - Filed Jul 29, 1991 - Greatbatch Gen-Aid, Ltd. John C. Sanford ...

Particle-mediated bombardment of DNA sequences into tissue to induce an immune response
US Pat. 6194389 - Filed Apr 11, 1997 - Duke University John C. Sanford ...

Parasite-derived resistance US Pat. 5840481 - Filed Nov 29, 1996 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. [54] PARASITE-DERIVED RESISTANCE [75] Inventors: Stephen A. Johnston, N. Gregson,
Durham, NC 27701; John C. Sanford, Geneva, NY [73] Assignees: Cornell ...

Parasite-derived resistance US Pat. 6365396 - Filed May 20, 1999 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. () PARASITE-DERIVED RESISTANCE (75) Inventors: Stephen A. Johnston, Durham,
NC (US); John C. Sanford, Geneva, NY (US) (73) Assignee: Cornell Research ...

Stable transformation of plant cells US Pat. 6570067 - Filed Jul 30, 1999 - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. STABLE TRANSFORMATION OF PLANT CELLS (75) Inventors: Dwight T. Tomes, Gumming, IA (US); Arthur Weissinger, Raleigh, NC (US); John C. Sanford, ...

Method of conferring resistance to immunodeficiency viral infection
US Pat. 5580761 - Filed Mar 23, 1994 - Greatbatch Gen-Aid Ltd. John C. Sanford ...

Biolistic apparatus for delivering substances into cells and tissues
US Pat. 6004287 - Filed Sep 23, 1998 6004287 BIOLISTIC APPARATUS FOR DELIVERING SUBSTANCES INTO CELLS AND TISSUES RELATED APPLICATION Applicants claim priority benefits of provisional ...

Expression of magainin and PGL classes of antimicrobial peptide genes in plants, and their use.
US Pat. 6235973 - Filed Jul 31, 1998 - Sanford Scientific, Inc. ... Geneva, NY (US); Alan D. Blowers, St. Charles, IL (US); Joyce Van Eck, Ithaca; John Sanford, Geneva, both of NY (US) (73) Assignee: Sanford Scientific, ...

Production of transgenic poinsettia US Pat. 7119262 - Filed Jul 31, 1997 - Sanford Scientific, Inc.
... Geneva, NY (US); Tau-San Chou, Batavia, IL (US); Robert Eisenreich, North Aurora, IL (US); John Sanford, Geneva, NY (US); Alan Blowers, St. Charles, ...

Plant Patents:

Strawberry Jewel
US Pat. PP5897 - Filed Jul 2, 1985 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
3 John C. Sanford ... [ii] Patent Number: [45] Date of Patent: [54] STRAWBERRY
JEWEL [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, ...

Strawberry Seneca
US Pat. PP8991 - Filed Feb 26, 1993 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
United States Patent [19] Sanford et al. [54] STRAWBERRY SENECA [15] Inventors:
John Sanford, Geneva, NY; ...

Strawberry plant named ŒL'Amour‚
US Pat. PP16480 - Filed Jun 21, 2004 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
... Varietal Denomination: L'Amour (75) Inventors: Courtney A. Weber, Geneva,
NY (US); John C. Sanford, Livonia, ...

Strawberry plant named ŒClancy‚
US Pat. PP16571 - Filed Jun 21, 2004 - Cornell Research Foundation Inc.
... Geneva, NY (US); John C. Sanford, Livonia, NY (US); Kevin E. Maloney, Phelps,
NY (US) (73) Assignee: Cornell Research Foundation Inc., Ithaca, ...

Purple raspberry, N.Y. 632
US Pat. PP5405 - Filed Sep 16, 1982 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
United States Patent [19] Sanford et al. [ii] Patent Number: [45] Date of
Patent: [54] PURPLE RASPBERRY, NY 632 [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; ...

Red raspberry, N.Y. 883
US Pat. PP5404 - Filed Sep 16, 1982 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
United States Patent [] Sanford et al. [ii] Patent Number: [45] Date of Patent: [54]
RED RASPBERRY, NY 883 [75] Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; ...

Red raspberry `Watson`
US Pat. PP7067 - Filed Oct 28, 1988 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
[ii] Patent Number: [45] Date of Patent: [54] RED RASPBERRY 'WATSON' [75] Inventors:
John C. Sanford; Jack E. Reich, both of Geneva, NY [73] Assignee: ...

Red raspberry plant named `Encore`
US Pat. PP11746 - Filed Oct 6, 1998 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
23, 2001 (54) RED RASPBERRY PLANT NAMED 'ENCORE' (75) Inventors: John C. Sanford,
Geneva; Kevin E. Maloney, Phelps; Jack E. Reich, Geneva, all of NY (US); ...

Red raspberry plant named `Prelude`
US Pat. PP11747 - Filed Oct 6, 1998 - Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.
(12) United States Plant Patent Sanford et al. () RED RASPBERRY PLANT
NAMED 'PRELUDE' (75) Inventors: John C. Sanford, Geneva; Kevin E. Maloney, ...

D. Halsmer, J. Asper, N. Roman, and T. Todd, “The Coherence of an Engineered World,” International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 4(1):47–65 (2009).

Winston Ewert, William A. Dembski, and Robert J. Marks II, “Evolutionary Synthesis of Nand Logic: Dissecting a Digital Organism,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 3047-3053 (October, 2009).
4 min · Descurtir · 1

William A. Dembski and Robert J. Marks II, “Bernoulli’s Principle of Insufficient Reason and Conservation of Information in Computer Search,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2647 – 2652 (October, 2009).
4 min · Descurtir · 1

Preservação excepcional de esteróides do Paleozóico (380 milhões de anos) em um contínuo diagenético
Posted: 11 Nov 2013 07:38 AM PST
Exceptional preservation of Palaeozoic steroids in a diagenetic continuum

Ines Melendez, Kliti Grice & Lorenz Schwark

Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2768 doi:10.1038/srep02768

Received 10 April 2013 Accepted 06 September 2013 Published 26 September 2013


The occurrence of intact sterols has been restricted to immature Cretaceous (~125Ma) sediments with one report from the Late Jurassic (~165Ma). Here we report the oldest occurrence of intact sterols in a Crustacean fossil preserved for ca. 380Ma within a Devonian concretion. The exceptional preservation of the biomass is attributed to microbially induced carbonate encapsulation, preventing full decomposition and transformation thus extending sterol occurrences in the geosphere by 250Ma. A suite of diagenetic transformation products of sterols was also identified in the concretion, demonstrating the remarkable coexistence of biomolecules and geomolecules in the same sample. Most importantly the original biolipids were found to be the most abundant steroids in the sample. We attribute the coexistence of steroids in a diagenetic continuum -ranging from stenols to triaromatic steroids - to microbially mediated eogenetic processes.

Subject terms: Biogeochemistry Sterols Palaeoclimate Geochemistry